eNOSHA stands for eLearning Neutral Object Storage with a Holistic Approach.
It is an open source Learning Object Repository developed in collaboration between: University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), Sri Lanka Stockholm University and Orebro University, Sweden.
Full product together with the source code is available for download through Sourceforge
The manual and the installation instructions can be found in the 'eNOSHA Manual'.
The Technical reference/Developer Guide for eNOSHA moodle module can be found in the 'eNOSHA Moodle Module Technical Reference'.
List of Publications
- Mozelius, P., Hettiarachchi, E., eNOSHA, a Free, Open and Flexible Learning Object Repository, eIndia, Hyderabad, 2010.
- Hettiarachchi, E., Mozelius, P., Hewagamage, K.P., Hatakka, M., Balasorriya, I., Karunarathne, D., “eNOSHA - The Construction of a Learning Object Repository”, The EDEN Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2010.
- Mozelius, P., Hettiarachchi, E., Hewagamage, K.P., Hatakka, M., Balasorriya, I., Karunarathne, D., “eNOSHA, a Learning Object Repository – Design for Flexibility, Reusability and User Friendliness”,eLearning Africa, Zambia, 2010.
- Mozelius, P.,Hettiarachchi, E, Hewagamage, K.P., Hatakka, M., Balasorriya, I., Karunarathne, D., “eNOSHA - Design and Development of a Learning Object Repository”, e-Asia Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2009.
Workshops Conducted
Two workshops were conducted on 6th and 8th December 2009 targeting an audience consisting of stakeholders from universities, educational and government institutes.
About the Team
The delivery of this product would not have been possible without the support, hard work and endless efforts of a large number of individuals. Therefore we wish to express our sincere gratitude to the following team members who have contributed to this Open Source Learning Object Repository;
Team Members
- Mr. Isuru Balasooriya
- Ms. Enosha Hettiarachchi
- Mr. Mathias Hatakka
- Mr. Peter Mozelius
- Dr. K.P.Hewagamage
- Dr. Damith Karunaratne
- Ms. Thilini Chathurika
- Ms. Sirani Hewage